Looking after your braces

To get the very best results possible from your orthodontic treatment, we need your support. Our team here at Class 1 Orthodontics will recommend the best treatment for you and assist in the straightening of your teeth, but we do need your cooperation. Here’s what you can do:

Treating the discomfort. Stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs. You may experience some pain or discomfort as your teeth start to move but don’t worry, that just means your braces are working! There are a couple of things you can do to minimise both the pain and discomfort levels.

In the case of pain, just take the medication you would usually take for a headache but steer clear of anti-inflammatory drugs because these can slow down tooth movement.

If you experience some discomfort from the brackets rubbing against your gums or the side of your mouth you can use dental wax that we will give to you when you first get your braces on.

What not to eat. A common question is, what can and can’t I eat with braces? We’ve put together a list of what not to eat when undergoing braces treatment. You can read about what not to eat here.

Dealing with breakages. Don’t leave it until your next appointment. We realise that minor breakages can happen so we allow for three breakages before we start charging you for repairs.

If you do experience a breakage please call us straight away. Don’t leave it until your next appointment because there may not be enough time in that consultation to fix your braces.

Playing contact sport with braces. Don’t worry: You still can! Braces don’t usually interfere with you playing sports but it’s recommended you wear a mouthguard.

Your regular dental check-ups. Yes, you still need to go! You can’t escape your regular dental check-ups. You should still visit your dentist every six months and in some cases even more regularly when undergoing braces treatment.

Brushing and flossing are even more important with braces. It’s absolutely crucial you maintain your oral hygiene throughout your treatment to avoid inflamed gums and permanent stains on your teeth. There are some important tips to remember:

  • Brush your teeth three times a day or after every meal
  • Carry a toothbrush in your bag
  • Floss every night prior to brushing your teeth
  • Use a weekly fluoride mouth rinse to assist your dental care
  • Ask your hygienist for advice

Book a consultation

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to our privacy policy and terms and conditions. Note: If you have private health insurance, this will be a ‘no gap’ appointment with no out of pocket costs. We will simply swipe your card at the appointment. This offer isn’t valid at our Kalgoorlie or Busselton Clinics, consultation fees are $298. Private Health rebates apply. All our appointments require a $50 holding deposit, we will contact you within business hours to arrange this.


The Invisible Orthodontist

Invisalign first

Dental Monitoring


Class 1 Orthodontics

42/44 Parliament Place
West Perth
Western Australia

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Canning Vale

263 Boardman Road
Canning Vale
Western Australia

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Unit 4/14 Livingstone Road
Western Australia

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60a Clyde Ave,
Western Australia

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96 Egan St,
Western Australia

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West Busselton

254 Bussell Highway
West Busselton
Western Australia

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12E (upstairs) / 817 Beeliar Drive
Cockburn Central
Western Australia

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